Over 70 species of bird have been recorded in the Sanctuary, including those as diverse as Grey Heron, Reed Bunting, Sand and House Martin, Little Egret, Peregrine Falcon, Grey Wagtail, Ruddy Shelduck, Siskin, Spotted Flycatcher, Tawny Owl and Willow Warbler, among many more common species such as Robin, Wren, Great-spotted Woodpecker, Lesser-spotted Woodpecker, Skylark, tits, Song and Mistle Thrush, Greylag Goose, Swan, Moorhen, Little Grebe and Cormorant. In the past species such as Snipe and Woodcock have been recorded.
Lists of species in 5-year recording blocks, including birds, plants and other records:
Combined Species List 2020-2024
Combined Species List 2015-2019
Combined Species List 2010-2014
Combined Species List 2004-2009
Lists of bird and other animals records per year showing maximum counts:
If you would like to record your own sightings, please use the following form and email it to the committee.